Greetings Beautiful Human Beings! Welcome to this thing called “Life.” You Got This! How the heck do I “got this” you ask? Well you might want to first consider that we are spiritual beings assuming this human condition and it could feel a bit like a prison. We need to set ourselves up for success by starting a new ritual. My new month’s resolution is to embark on my first 7-day Hero’s Journey to building better habits and breaking bad habits one day at a time in 99-second intervals. Let’s do this together! This one-page Self-Accountability Log will help us gauge our progress.

This science based tool took me just over a year to develop. I am 100% sure that it works if you commit to complete it as I have personally witnessed its magick on hundreds of my yoga students. Here’s the thing… humans tend to express the condition of emotional hijack in one of three ways: anxiety, anger, and depression. If you studied Ayurveda, you would discover that those conditions align, respectively, with out-of-balance doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. More on that another day.

Life is full of choices. You can choose to go to my Brain Aid page and click the Free B.L.I.S.S. Log button then either:

  1. Choose to pay the suggested price and print as many copies as you wish FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, preferably with a WILLING accountability partner. IF you wish to contribute the suggested price, a little bit less, or little bit more, I THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT on my arduous Hero’s Journey creating this easy science based tool to benefit humanity!
  2. Choose to NOT financially contribute for the consumption of this content, enter numeral zero, then enter your email address, your name, and your payment info, and you will receive a PDF link of Self-Accountability Log. Print as many copies as you wish FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, preferably with a WILLING accountability partner. Your credit card will not be charged.

Your other choices are to:

  1. Do nothing. This would be the insane choice — doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different emotional behavior from the same triggers.
  2. Or, if you agree in writing that I may share your experience at the end of your 7-day Hero’s Journey and allow me to use your testimonial with or without your real name, then email and request a copy of the PDF to be sent directly to your inbox. Feel free to print as many copies as you wish FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, preferably with a WILLING accountability partner. Include the following:
    • First and Last Name (note if you prefer first name only, alias, etc.)
    • City, State, and/or Country
    • 7-Day Hero’s Journey date range you are committing to. Example: February 1st thru February 7th

Building better habits and breaking bad habits one day at a time in 99-second intervals is a lot easier than investing the more popular 21 days that most experts claim it takes to change a habit. Be kind to yourself when you discover your temptation to be lazy, overambitious, or forgetful. We may habitually choose to behave like your immature inner teen or inner toddler within. We may resist choosing to behave like a mature adult. Give yourself Grace. Take baby steps. Then celebrate the tiny victories as they are still victories! Remember… we are Divinely Human.


Prof. Vera Quijano, RYT, BS, MPA, MS


I am not a doctor. I am not offering medical advice. This Blog and Self-Accountability Log is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice or religious counsel. I am not attempting to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any physical, emotional, or mental condition or disease. The reader assumes all risks arising from or relating to choosing to participate in this Self-Analysis exercise. You may learn things about your unconscious habitual choices and narcissistic tendencies that are challenging to process. Proceed at Your Own Risk, Superhero!

Ayurveda Part One

Ayurveda Part Two