NARC Abuse on the Brain
Have your personal and professional relationships become more challenging and confusing since your brain injury? Are you dealing with people who have narcissistic tendencies? Are your doctors narcissistic abuse informed? Should they be? Did they consider whether you have a R or L brain injury and treat your brain imbalance as such? Did you know that abuse could get locked into your body? Download my workbook to meet and greet your four brain personalities, recognize the imbalances, and choose the emotional balance, clarity, and power of the Superhero Effect™ now!
Enhanced Activation of LEFT Amygdala
LEFT Hemisphere Overcompensation
Delusions associated with consistent pattern of brain injury
NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School of Medicine
RIGHT Amygdala Aberration
Aberrant connectivity in the right amygdala… markers of suicide risk
Journal of Affective Disorders
R & L Amygdala Compared
Brain area tied to emotions is larger in vets, service members with mild TBI and PTSD
Veterans Affairs Research Communications